There are many reasons why you might need a hotel invoice generator tool. Often times you have stayed at a hotel for business or personal reasons and need to submit your hotel invoice or hotel folio to be reimbursed by your company or for tax deduction purposes. Being able to create your own hotel receipt that is an exact replica of an original hotel invoice is a major convenience in completing your expense report or taxes.
A few common reasons why you might need an exact hotel receipt generated using InvoiceWriter hotel invoice generator:
To start creating a hotel receipt, you choose a hotel receipt template and then can begin entering hotel stay information. The fields on the hotel invoice generator tool are the same information you find on all major hotel invoices. These hotel invoices are also called guest folios or hotel receipts.
Enter the details in the hotel receipt generator and be sure to create items on the invoice to represent your stay. These items include daily room charges, hotel taxes, valet parking and more. For reference, you might try using Google to find a match of the hotel receipt you are trying to match. For example the Google search “Hilton Hotel invoice image” will produce many hotel receipt images that you can work from.
If your hotel invoice sample has a logo, you can upload a matching logo to the hotel invoice generator by click the BROWSE button and selecting your logo. You may need to modify the size/shape of the logo to properly fit exactly like the logo is shown on the original invoice. If you are looking for a common hotel invoice logo, check out our Logo Finder archive. There are many hotel invoice logos for major brands available in this archive. Right click and SAVE these logos to use the logo for your hotel invoice.
Once you have entered the hotel invoice details on the generator input screen, you can view the output of the generator using the PREVIEW button on the screen.
Here is what a sample hotel invoice looks like when you click the PREVIEW button.
After creating a hotel invoice that is satisfactory, you can download the invoice to your device by clicking the DOWNLOAD button. Hotel invoices are saved in PDF format. Invoices are limited to a single page due to our system constraints. If you need multiple pages, consider making multiple invoices.
You can also easily email the generated PDF of your hotel invoice to any email address. Enter your email address into the EMAIL field on the PREVIEW page. The generated hotel invoice you created will be emailed to your email address within 1-2 minutes. Be sure to check your SPAM folder if you do not see the PDF in your inbox.